The purpose of this group is to gain insight and information that could prevent others from succumbing to the same fate.
- Team meetings began in late 2024, with two case reviews completed in FY 24.
- The Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Treatment Recovery (SUDPTR) subcommittee, the Community Action Team (CAT), supports the OFR initiative under the CSCB.
Key Recommendations:
- Enhance law enforcement training on overdose death investigations.
- Develop and distribute an up-to-date resource list for substance use disorder and treatment services, enabling law enforcement to provide resources to those in need.
- Improve mental health service access to individuals seeking support related to drug use, including timely follow-up for those who miss appointments.
- Investigate the creation of a shared database for emergency services and other providers to log encounters with individuals actively using opiates, modeled after the infant safe sleep tracking program.
Contact person: Alyse Nichols, St. Clair County Health Department