Resource Fair 2025
The St. Clair County Community Resource Fair is returning to St. Clair County Community College Fieldhouse on Wednesday, May 14, 2025 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. The event will offer vendors tables from a variety of human service agencies and businesses, health screenings, giveaways, door prizes, a complimentary lunch, personal care bags, and a mobile food pantry. The mobile food pantry begins at 1:00 pm but the “take-a-number” registration allows you to hold your place in line while you visit the fair! The mobile food pantry will operate until all the food is gone. Follow us on Facebook for updates on this year’s event!
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Get Involved
The St. Clair County Community Resource Fair is seeking organizations and businesses who serve people who are struggling with homelessness, housing insecurity, food insecurity, unemployment and other challenged. If you’re interested in having a vendor table to provide a service at this year’s event, complete the Vendor Registration form here. It takes a great deal of financial support from our community partners to provide activities, giveaways and supports free of charge to participants of the Community Resource Fair. To learn more about corporate sponsorship opportunities, click here.
Sponsors and Vendors Vendor payments and sponsorships can be paid online by clicking on the PAY button. The Community Resource Fair simply wouldn’t happen each year without the dedication of our volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at this year’s Community Resource Fair sign up on the volunteer registration link here. To join the planning committee, please contact Amy Smith at [email protected]
About the Community Resource Fair
The St. Clair County Community Resource Fair is an annual event designed to be a one-stop shopping type of event, bringing together organizations who support people struggling with homelessness or housing insecurity, unemployment and underemployment, food insecurity, financial hardship, medical or mental health conditions, and other challenges. The concept is to bring all the resources together in one location, removing barriers to finding assistance and support, allowing for easy referrals, networking and a collaborative approach to helping people meet their needs.